Bringing a new dog or puppy home is a joyful experience. The following weeks are when frustration may set in. You may wonder what you got into while cleaning up another mess. You can bring back that first-day joy you felt at the beginning by training your dog how to behave. The following article will offer many tips with regards to puppy training. This will help them associate good association between the crate.
Make sure that you remain controlled when rewarding your dog’s good training behavior. If your dog follows a training command properly, give him a treat. While you may be overjoyed with headway you are making, your excitement plus theirs can cause this situation to get out of control.
Give your puppy his own toys that he can chew to remove pain due to teething, otherwise he might alleviate his teething pain on your nice furniture. Give it one of its own chew toys right away.
Repetition is key to success when teaching a dog new commands. It is not uncommon for it to take as many as 50 repetitions of the same command before your dog to learn it.
Puppies will grow up quickly. Choose a large enough crate that is sure to fit them suitably when they hit adult size. The ideal size would be one that doesn’t make your dog will need sufficient room to rest and turn around and lie down without being crowded.
The first thing your dog. Your dog must see you as a leader, unless you let him know that you are the boss. When you walk your dog, be sure to keep him at heel since you are the leader.
Teach your dog a simple command. If you repeat this long enough, the dog is sure to associate treats with the command to be silent.
It is important that you to teach your dog good behavior habits from day one. It will make your life less stressful if you are teaching the dog good habits rather than it is to deal with bad ones.
A good tip is to make sure you are aware if other dogs are present when you are walking your dog for a walk. You need to be well aware of any dogs may be aggressive.If you see a dog that seems to be unsociable or defensive, avoid that dog.
If your dog is accompanying you on a trip, make sure to pack everything that your dog needs to eat, eat and go to the bathroom. Items like water and food bowls, bathroom bags and paper towels are important in having a very relaxing ride.
Take your dog outside every hour to help teach him this is where you want him to use the bathroom at least once each hour. Praise him when he goes to the bathroom outside. Don’t punish your dog for going potty in the house. He doesn’t know better yet aware that this is wrong and punishment would serve no purpose.
Does your pet strain and pull on his leash during a walk? This is a common complaint that owners have with their dogs and quite simple to rectify.
Consistency is important requirements for effective puppy training. Make sure everyone knows what to do in terms of rewarding the whole household is being consistent with training cues. Different cues from different people will confuse your dog and delay training.
Learn what your dog’s body language. Most dogs have specific pattern of behavior indicating a need to eliminate. If you can recognize potty behavior, it is easier to know when to go outside. Being in sync with the natural tendencies of your dogs behavior will help make house training much easier.
If your dog places the ball someplace else and you make the effort to pick it up, the dog feels as though he has the leadership role. Your dog will understand his expectations if you consistently insist that it brings the ball directly to you.
Do not let the pressures of stress affect your training sessions with your dog. If the dog has done nothing wrong, you should treat him warmly.
Learn alternatives to treats as positive reinforcement in training outside of treats. Treats are effective for teaching a new behavior. You probably do not carry treats with you 365 days a year when you are not in your pant’s pockets.
You will need a lot of patience, love and treats to train your dog. The tips you’ve just read should prove to be a great starting point in training your dog adequately. Your dog will not be trained over night, but if you consistently stick with training, your home will be a much happier place for you and your pet.